DeSantis Breindel has released the Brand Influence Guide for Asset Management (BIG: AM), a research-based evaluation of the current state of branding in the asset management industry. This latest research report is the result of a jointly led study with the Institutional Investor Institute that surveyed over 140 asset managers, investment consultants, and institutional investors on the role of branding in asset management.
Key findings include:
– Investment process, not track record, is the #1 criteria for institutional investors when choosing an asset management firm
– 52% of institutional investors said that the size of an asset manager doesn’t matter. However, of those who do have a preference, 43% prefer boutique firms.
– 77% of asset managers believe that they are effective at communicating their differentiation, while only 52% of institutional investors and 21% of investment consultants agree.
– Industry events are the most effective marketing channel for consultants and institutional investors to learn about asset managers
“Contrary to what many asset managers may think, they are not differentiating themselves as effectively as they could be,” said Howard Breindel, Co-CEO of DeSantis Breindel. “Investors and consultants are looking for a clearer idea of what sets one firm apart from another. To maximize the value of their brands, asset managers need to do a better job of not only articulating their unique value proposition, but also connecting that to what investors and consultants are looking for.”
About the Institutional Investor Institute
The Institutional Investor Institute is a global association of senior executives in investment management, finance, and business. The Institute’s mission is to provide senior executives with market intelligence and analysis, networking and peer access, and information exchange with investment consultants and institutional investors—by holding regular roundtable meetings for members to network, discuss critical industry issues, and occasionally, to market their services to major clients.