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In mathematics, the lowest common denominator (LCD) helps reduce complexity to find essential relationships. For B2B marketers developing digital campaigns, this principle offers surprising value: starting with the smallest ad format can produce outsized results.
How can this be? Conventional wisdom suggests bigger ads allow for more compelling visuals and messaging. But when given more space, B2B brands can actually dilute their core message with unnecessary elements. Small formats force marketers to focus on what matters most to the people who matter most to the business. If a concept works in the most constrained space, it will likely resonate across any format.
Thus, when we work with clients on digital campaigns, we use what we call the LCD Principle, testing concepts in small formats before choosing a direction that can be translated into other sizes or mediums.
The LCD Principle in Action
We recently used the LCD Principle for a client in the financial services sector during the development of an integrated marketing campaign. The campaign was to be deployed across nearly 100 different publications through a variety of channels including web, mobile, print and radio.
During preliminary creative stages, we tested concepts by placing them in the smallest ad spaces. This strategy helped us identify which concepts were the most effective in communicating the core message of the campaign in the most engaging way. The result was the creation of a distinctive campaign that grabbed attention and delivered the message—including across larger formats.
The LCD Principle delivers even more than a concise, easy-to-deploy campaign. It also has the potential to attract an audience of more interested buyers. In its post “Does Ad Size Matter?”, Seeking Alpha highlighted a Kohl’s kitchen appliance campaign that ran in both small and large ad sizes. The article notes that “As you might expect, the larger ad got many more click-throughs…. What you might not expect is that the small ad actually performed 1.7 percentage points better in driving purchase…the larger ad drew the attention of more would-be shoppers, but the smaller ad found a greater concentration of motivated buyers.”
The insight here for B2B marketers is clear: when considering concepts for your next ad campaign, treat the smallest ad as a litmus test. This will result in a more effective campaign overall, maximizing the ROI on your advertising spend.
Integrating the LCD Principle into Your Process
For this approach to succeed, media planners must be included in the creative process early. Their insights into dimensions, deployment patterns and past performance help shape concepts that will work in even the smallest spaces.It’s also simply a beneficial practice to maintain consistent contact between agency and media partners—ensuring priorities stay clear and goals stay specific.
The LCD principle may seem counterintuitive, starting with constraints to unlock creative freedom. But by focusing first on distilling messages to their essence, B2B marketers can develop campaigns that grab attention and drive action across every format and channel. When you embrace the discipline of small spaces, you often discover your biggest ideas.
To discuss enhancing the performance of your B2B advertising, contact us.
Originally published April 7, 2021.