Brand Influence Guide: Asset Management

A 360 degree view on the role of branding in the asset management industry


How effective are asset managers in communicating a differentiated value proposition?

What are the key drivers of the asset management brand?

And what are the most effective channels for connecting with key audiences?

These are some of the questions we set out to answer in the Brand Influence Guide for Asset Management (BIG:AM). To do so, we partnered with the Institutional Investor Institute to get perspectives from asset managers, investment consultants and institutional investors.

One of the most interesting insights we found was a gap between what asset managers emphasize about themselves (responsiveness and legacy) and what investment consultants and institutional investors are looking for (transparency, thought leadership and analytical qualities) when evaluating—and ultimately choosing—an asset manager. Rather than asking investors to look in the rearview mirror by talking about legacy and reputation, BIG:AM suggests that asset managers demonstrate a future focus.

Check out more insights from this seminal report in the infographic below, and access the full report here: Branding and Asset Management: Research Findings from DeSantis Breindel on SlideShare.

Want to discuss connecting with core audiences to build your asset management brand? Let’s talk.

Howard Breindel

Howard Breindel is Co-CEO of DeSantis Breindel.