EXL Unveils New Brand Campaign and Website

Leading analytics and digital transformation provider EXL has repositioned with a bang, introducing an exciting new brand for its digital offerings. Created with help from B2B branding and marketing agency DeSantis Breindel, the visual and verbal brand is centered on the idea of “Digital Intelligence,” or the all-important combination of human expertise and technological advances that sets EXL apart. The brand reveal coincided with the launch of EXL’s new website, also designed by DeSantis Breindel.

Introduced by CEO Rohit Kapoor at EXL’s client summit in New York, the Digital Intelligence brand reflects the company’s ongoing evolution from business process outsourcing to strategic digital transformation. To activate the brand, DeSantis Breindel crafted results-oriented, digital-first marketing messaging, as well as a dynamic visual language, which leverages an “X” motif to reflect that transformation occurs at the intersection of human ingenuity and machine intelligence.

DeSantis Breindel and EXL developed a robust brand campaign, including films, social media, employee engagement, and thought leadership. “Digital Intelligence” is already catalyzing the company, sparking exciting corporate initiatives, including the Connected Intelligence partners program and the Digital Intelligence internal awards initiative.

In an interview with FastCMO, Rohit Wadhwa, CMO of EXL, goes into detail about the branding process. Key to the rebrand’s success was strategic internal communication. “Our top leaders were involved from the get-go. This ensured that our re-brand would play internally, as well as to the outside world. As we ran each sprint over the six-month development process, we continued to seek management and peer support, not only to get the positioning and messaging right, but to ensure the authenticity of the brand by vetting it internally.”

DeSantis Breindel co-founder Howard Breindel commented, “The product of close collaboration with EXL, this new brand translates what has long made this company special—in-depth expertise in its clients’ categories—in a way that is relevant and compelling as it continues its new chapter as a digital transformation partner.”